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Heartland Alliance International (HAI) is the newest and fastest growing part of Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rghts, a family of organizations that has been leading  anti-poverty and social [ustice work in the United States for more than 125 years. fiAI is comprised of" dozer! coorury offices implementing programs on a broad range of global human rights issues. HAI is makmg signlficant investments in its programming in the fields of trauma-informed mental health care a"d (-lCCf)SS to  Justice for marginalized populations. HAl is also an industry leader in ensuring access to stigma-free Healthcare. HAl's programs deliver high quality prevention and treatment services, and take action in response to human rights violations. HAl does this while building the capacity of local providers.
About the Project:
With support from t.he U.S. Department of State's Office to Monitor and Com:,at TnJft;cking In Persons (J/TIP), HAl is implementing Protect. Shelter. and Heal. a two year proiect ID irnprove comprehensive services for survivors of trafficking in Northeast Nigeria. This innovative project builds on HAl's extensive experience providing integrated services for survivors of trafficking. by developing technical training models that can be adopted and replicated to contexts in other countries. The project will expand existing coordination efforts among national and state governments, and create identificatiQn and referral networks to respond to the needs of survivors.
Position 1: Gender Based Violence Project Coordinator

Location: Abia. Nigeria, with frequent travel to Borne and Adamawa States - Nigeria.
About You:
A driven and passionate professional hoping to join an inspiring, dynamic team of. hum3il nights workers. Innovative, harc-workinq, and a team player, the candidate has experience working with 1'1i'l(9inaiiz0d and vulnerable communities in challi:lnging environments to provide high quality social, legal and or Health services. The ideal candidate will be fluent in English. with additional Hausa andior Kanun :angudge sidls Exceptional proficiency in English writing is a requirement for this position. A background i'" trauma-informed mental health. social work and/or legal protection is extremely desirable.
Position Summary:
This fult-hme posinon is based in Abuja. Nigeria with frequent travel to Borno, and Adamawa States. and any other project locations. The Project Coordinator provides coordination support to HAl's Protect, Sheiter & Hea! initiative in Northeast Nigeria. repcrting to the New y,yh-bas.,;c Project Director. The incumbent will represent HAl in coordination mechanisms in Abuia and Northeast Nigeria. liaising on a regular basis with consultants and local partner organizations including nationa: and state government agencies and civil society organizations.
We are looking for outstanding protess.onals who have a demonstrated passion for human rights work. Candidates who meet the criteria below are strongly encouraged to apply.
A graduate degree in clinical psychology, social work, law or a related field.
At least two years of experience and strong technical knowledge in one or more of the Following area social work, mental health, clinical psycholooy, protection from gender-based violence (GBV) and Socialjustice programming.
Superb English writing and speaking skilfs.
Highly advanced Hausa andior Kanuri language skills.
Extensive knowledge of Nigerian government systems. history, and local context.
Sensitivity toward. and demonstrated commitment to advancing human rights far Vulnerable or marginalized communities.
Excellent cross-cultural skills and motivation to succeed in resource-limited environments
Ability to meet deadlines. excel under pressure, and work independently.
Proven experience working in partnership with government NGOs and other civii society organizations, networks. and grass roots movements.
Strong monitoring and evaluation. research, concept paper, andfor academic publishing backqround
Willingness and ability to travel and work in insecure environments in Northeast Nigeria. wih up to 35% travel.

Position 2: Psychosocial Service Capacity/Needs Assessment Consultant, Northeast Nigeria.

Job Description:
The consultant will be deployed to Borno and/or Adamawa States to gather qualitative and quantitative information about existing mental health and social service infrastructure, the conditions anc social service needs of GBV survivors in the area. and their interest and ability to access services. The consultant is expected to complete a polished and comprehensive report on her or his findi:1gs Wllh." four weeks of comptetinq tl'ie assessment.
Reports to: Protect, Shelter & Heal Project Director

Location: Borne and Adarnawa States, Northeast Nigeria
Start Oate: Immediate
Duration: 4 weeks
Scope of Work:
Become familiar with HAl's existing prograrnrning in Nigeria and worldwide. particularly for survivors of trafficking and gender-based violence
Meet and tiaise with local. state and national government agencies, dvil society organizations engaging in medical treatment, menial health, and social/legal service provision for GBV survivors and other survivors of violence in Borno and Adamawa States, and nationany
Develop a comprehensive list of mental health and sociarleqal service providers and women's rights advocates in the area and assess the relevance of services to the greatest extent possible
Gather and consolidate information on any existing procedures, and referral mechanisms fer GBV survivors and survivors of trafficking in Bomo State
Identify any mental health and social service gaps as well as any barriers to accessing existing services by GBV survivors and/or other vulnerable groups
Gather reiiable estimates as to the number and location of survivors of trafficking, G8V and ether forms of violence in Borno and Adamawa States, and factors that facilitated or hampered their resilience.
Trained mental health. legal. or social services professional with a minimum of five years of demonstrated experience working on GBV management and women's empowerment
Experience working with local, state, and national government and civil society
Familiarity with concepts around trafficking in persons
Comfortable traveling and working in a low-resource and potentially insecure environrnent.
Good knowiedge of the po!itical ano geograpllical environment
Expertise in research and evaluation
Familiarity with mental health service provision
Experience in gender based violence management
Strong Engf,sh language writing skills are required
Fluency in Hausa and!or Kanuri strongly preferred
Strong commitment to human rights and gender equity, with cross-cultural experience and cultural sensitivity required
Method of Application:
All potential job applicants should send their CVs and applications to:
Applicants should quote their full name and the position for which they are applying in the email subject line.
Candidates must be available for immediate employment.
Please do NOT contact the listed email address with other enquiries.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application Deadline: 29th February, 2016

HWN.......a division of Tripple World Africa Network!

: 2016-02-29 | : 2342

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