• HWN....browse for free, get verified to super communicate!
  • HWN....No.1 E-platform for Healthcare professionals and the public!
  • HWN....uniting and empowering healthcare professionals and the entire populace
  • ..in a unique and systematic manner, through networking, couching and funding!
  • HWN....empowering healthcare professionals and the entire populace!
  • HWN....enlightening the general populace on health issues!
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about us

Healthcare World Nigeria (HWN Africa) is an organisation/E-platform setup with the sole aim of uniting and empowering healthcare professionals and the entire populace (general public) in a unique and systematic manner, through networking, couching and funding.

Owing to the FACT that vast majority of healthcare professionals in Nigeria, Africa and in diaspora (GLOBALLY) seeks to acquaint themselves with solemate(s) of a life time, Tripple World Africa Network (TWAN) made up of a  group of seasoned healthcare professionals and security expert came to a conclusion to set up a dynamic online/real-time platform (HWN) to match-make, empower through job creation, educate and fund healthcare professionals and the general public (Populace) through networking, couching and funding.

HWN Africa is a registered business entity with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Of Nigeria.

HWN Africa was registered in 2013 under the Companies and Allied matters Act 1990, with Registration Number: 4907.

HWN Africa is 100% Nigerian, owned by a group of healthcare professionals cum security expert and chaired (C.E.O) by MaryRose .U, Akinsanya .A, Ibrahim .B and Ugonabu .H.

HWN Africa is a division of Tripple World Africa Network.

HWN VISION STATEMENT: To be the best and preferred platform uniting, linking and matchmaking cum providing jobs/educating healthcare professionals and the entire populace in Nigeria, Africa & Globally.

HWN MISSION STATEMENT: To unite and bridge the gap between healthcare professionals and the entire populace in a unique and systematic manner through networking, couching and funding (HWN FUNDS).

>Integrity/Ethical Company/Platform
>Matchmaking Company/Platform
>Educating Company/platform
>People-helping Company/Platform
>Opportunities Creating Company/Platform
>People friendly Company/Platform


>HWN Online Dating.

>HWN Couching-Forum

>HWN Jobs.

>HWN News/Blogs.

>HWN Advert.

>HWN Community.

>HWN Cheats.

>HWN Funds.


The HWN Dreams:

●Someday healthcare professionals as well as the general populace in Nigeria, Africa and worldwide will date/inter-marry with one another on HWN platforms.

●Someday accessing free funds will be made easier based on HWN concepts.

●Someday all healthcare jobs in Nigeria, Africa and worldwide will be published only on HWN platforms.

●Someday HWN News/blogs will rank among top online health news/blogs being streamlined via the internet.

●Someday HWN will be the best and preferred networking site for all healthcare professionals and the entire populace.

●Someday and someday there shall be no marginalisation, segregation, favouritism and discrimination amongst healthcare professionals and the entire populace, regardless of race, gender,  tribe, religion or creed.


Divisions of Tripple World Africa Networks (TWAN):





●HWN Dedication:

The entire HWN management dedicates HWN Online Dating│Jobs│News│Funds  website to all healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals that have in one way or the other being rejected, insulted, disrespected, traumatized, humiliated, devastated, marginalized, incarcerated, abused, raped, killed, amongst several other ill vices for no just reasons.

You All Are Our Heroes/Heroine! We Are Truly Proud of You All! HWN……adding values to human life!

●The Gift: [HWN Online Dating]

Upon VERIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP, Newly Verified Members will automatically be sent/receive HWN Branded Souvenirs, irrespective of their locations via regular postal mail within thirty to sixty (30 – 60) working days!

HWN............uniting and empowering healthcare professionals and the entire populace in a unique and systematic manner, through networking, couching and funding!

© 2025 HWN Africa - All Rights Reserved

Powered By Tripple World Africa Network