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news - Fighting Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease With Alkaline Diet on HWN NUTRITION back to all News
Fighting Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease With Alkaline Diet on HWN NUTRITION
The Alkaline Switch:
One of the things that your doctor will
recommend when you’re diagnosed with cancer,
diabetes, or heart disease, is to switch to an
alkaline diet. Of course some lifestyle changes will
be required, but it’s important that you change
your diet and lessen your intake of acidic foods.
Why so?
Our cells are sensitive to the body’s pH levels.
When our blood’s pH is more alkaline than acidic,
the body’s muscles, nerves, brain, reproductive
system, digestive system, and circulatory system
are able to function properly. On the flipside, if
the body’s pH is too acidic, it becomes prone to
various diseases. It invites premature aging,
heart disease, weight, nerve problems, fatigue,
cancer, muscle disease, and allergies. Since
these health problems happen when the pH of
the body is too acidic, it’s only logical to switch
to an alkaline diet. The main goal is to limit the
consumption of acidic food to 20-25%. The
consumption of alkaline food should be 75-80%
and that should be enough maintain the pH
levels of the body.
How does the alkaline diet work?
People who want optimum good health switch to
alkaline diets. This is because the alkaline diet
concentrates on restoring the balance that the
body lost when people switched to an acidic or
domesticated diet. Alkaline diets focus on
vegetables, fruits, healthy whole grains,
wholesome proteins (legumes, soy, and beans),
and healthy oils (olive, flax seed, and canola).
When these foods are in their natural state, they
can neither be classified as acid or alkaline.
However, they produce alkaline ash once they
are metabolized and digested by the body. The
alkaline diet is highly recommended because it
restores the body’s pH levels and it allows the
different parts of the body to function properly.
What foods should be included in an
alkaline diet?
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not difficult to
choose what should be included in an alkaline
diet. A lot of fruits and vegetables are identified
as alkaline so you can easily make them part of
your diet. While it’s not wise to add red meat to
your diet, you can still source protein from
beans, legumes, almonds, and soy products. It’s
important that you get rid of unhealthy fats and
load up on good fats like canola, flax seed, and
olive oil. You must ditch the high fat dairy
products however, you’re allowed to drink or eat
cheese from goat’s milk and soy milk. Drink
green tea, lemon water, or iced herb tea instead
of the empty calories from soda. Replace coffee
with hot green or herbal tea. Instead of pasta,
eat healthy whole grains such as millet, quinoa,
and wild rice. Use maple or raw sugar, and Stevia
as natural sweeteners instead of the commercial
white sugar.
Here are some alkaline foods that will help you
combat diabetes, heart disease, and cancer:
Broccoli is a vegetable that’s packed with
nutrients that’s essential if you want to boost
your immune system and keep your body
healthy. It is highly recommended that you eat it
everyday, or at least three to four times a week.
Broccoli contains calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
Avocado and Avocado Oil
Avocadoes, now considered as a superfood, are
loaded with potassium and healthy fats. It
contains vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin A.
Protein, iron, and calcium are just some of the
many nutrients that your body can get from
almonds. While most seeds and nuts are
identified as acidic, almonds are considered
alkaline and are highly recommended for people
who want to live healthy.
If you want to flush out those toxins from your
system, arugula is your friend. This leafy green
vegetable is a staple in most detox diet plans,
and for good reason. It’s packed with thiamin,
protein, riboflavin, zinc, vitamin B6, copper, and
pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 that helps lower
bad cholesterol levels and increase the levels of
good cholesterol. It contains flavonoids that help
improve blood flow, lower blood pressure and
inflammation, and boost blood vessel function.
Beetroot helps you maintain the pH levels in your
body. It contains betalain, a phytonutrient that
has anti-cancer properties. It contains vitamin C,
vitamin K, folate, and other nutrients.
Amaranth is a good source of protein and lysine.
It is part of the C4 group, or the photosynthetic
super performers that’s effective in converting
sunlight, water, and soil into plant tissue. It
contains nutrients such as calcium, protein, and
Asparagus is one of the top alkaline foods. It’s
packed with antioxidants, anti-aging properties
and nutrients such as vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C.
Artichokes contain the most antioxidants out of
all the vegetables out there. In a study
conducted by the USDA, artichoke was ranked
seventh among one thousand different plants
when it comes to antioxidant content. Artichokes
help strengthen the immune system to battle
free radicals and byproducts of cell metabolism
that trigger serious diseases such as cancer and
heart disease.
Basil contains flavonoids that helps boost your
immunity, and maintain the pH levels of your
body. It belongs to the group of good spices and
it contains nutrients that your body heal from
serious medical conditions. It contains vitamin C,
vitamin K, iron, and other nutrients.
Source: WellnessBin, DWN Africa.


: 2016-12-05 07:17:42 | : 1368

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