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news - Transgender man (Kayden Coleman) pregnant cum gives birth on HWN GIST back to all News
Transgender man (Kayden Coleman) pregnant cum gives birth on HWN GIST

A woman who transitioned into a man 10 years ago, Kayden Coleman, got the shock of his life when he noticed he was pregnant.
Coleman who has been living as a man for over 10 years revealed how he noticed his belly was protruding but he thought it was as a result of lack of exercise.
Kayden Coleman and his husband, Elijah now have a 22-month-old baby girl named Azaelia. They however revealed their plans to tell her everything about her unusual family when she clocks 5. For the 10 years the new mum (who is a man) lived as a man, friends and family were intimated about his decision to be a transgender. He had been taking testosterone pills for five years and had grown facial hair like a normal male. He was however about to have a double mastectomy when nature interrupted the process.

Notwithstanding the years he had been taking male hormones, Kayden became pregnant when he stopped taking the pills to have his mastectomy. With a broad smile, the 29-year-old explains: “I never thought about getting pregnant. Because of the male hormones, I didn’t think it was a possibility. It was ­definitely a surprise.

The couple who are still shocked at the pregnancy got married in July 2013. They have however decided to turn their flat in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, into a family home, since the arrival of their little baby girl. Recounting the experience, the husband, Elijah said: “It was such a personal thing that I felt if Kayden wanted them (family members) to know he should tell them himself. But when we found out Kayden was pregnant we knew we had to tell them. How could we explain the baby when she popped up after a couple of months?

Kayden was lucky that most people failed to notice his bump but he did get some confused looks. He says: “This woman in a shop said to me, ‘Honey, you look like you’re pregnant’. I just laughed and said, ‘I am pregnant!’ She didn’t believe me.

His pregnancy went smoothly but when it came to the birth in December 2013, it was a different story.Kayden, who was in­­duced at nine months as he had high blood pressure , was in labour for four days, but eventually had their baby. They are raising her as two fathers – she calls Kayden “Daddy” and Elijah “Poppy”.

Recently, Dapo Adaralegbe (now Stephanie Rose), a Nigerian, revealed his ordeal before and after transforming into a woman. Stephanie spoke about his life as a trans-sexu­al, how he is a woman trapped in a man’s body and his ordeal during his time as a student in Obafemi Awolowo University.

Source: Mirror Online, HWN Africa.

: 2015-11-15 05:31:24 | : 3995

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