Seventeen new cases of leprosy, have been detected in a small community in Bauchi state, consisting of not more than 2,000 people, in the month of March alone.
The alarm was raised by an agency in charge of the disease in the state, which also noted that one household alone, recorded about seven of the total number of cases.
Meanwhile, there are concerns over the possibility of eradicating the disease in Nigeria, despite the launch of a five year National Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Strategic Plan in 2016 by the Federal Government, seeking to eliminate the disease in endemic states.
The new outbreak is coming at a time when some donor agencies have completely withdrawn their support in the fight against the disease in Nigeria.
According to The Leprosy Mission, an effective cure for leprosy has been available since 1982 in the form of multi-drug therapy a combination of three drugs taken daily between a period of six to 12 months.
However, while treatment halts the progression of the cruel disease, it cannot turn the clock back in terms of disability.
Source: ChannelsTV, HWN Africa.
: 2017-04-24 04:09:07 | : 3277