When a Japanese matchmaker asks, What’s your type? she may not mean tall, dark, and handsome but A, B, O, or AB. Many Japanese believe your blood group says a lot about your personality. Type A blood is a sign you are hard working, neat, and sensitive. People with type O are thought to be independent, logical self-starters.
People with type O blood are 83% more likely to be bitten by a mosquito. Hospitals ask most for type O blood, too. That’s because type O can be given to anyone. O-negative is the most appealing of all. If mosquitoes like that O blood, then why do they eat ME up in the summer?.
Blood tests are used to tell if you are sick. Too few red blood cells may mean you have anemia. Too many white cells can be a sign of infection. Now, researchers are finding that certain chemicals in the blood are signs or markers that a person may be depressed or even thinking about suicide. These results give hope to better ways to test for, treat and prevent mental illness.
Source: WebMed, HWN Africa.
: 2016-09-04 19:00:18 | : 2588